The future of health
Company News

The future of health

Introducing Omniscope

Vijay Vaswani

May 12, 2021

I envision a future in which healthcare is predicated on convergence.

A future with incredible cross-disciplinary human-technology collaboration that enhances the robustness, accuracy, and efficiency of disease detection. A future that advances diagnostic efficacy and medical decision-making by intercepting disease before damage occurs.

Much of the current technology we rely upon as a society is ancient. Our infrastructure is made using materials not unlike the cement and adhesives first used by the Romans. Yet at the same time, we are currently in an unprecedented era of paradigm shifts, from the development of mRNA vaccines, to immunotherapy, to telemedicine. CRISPR allows us to edit genes, while stem cell technology enables the growth of organoids and synthetic creation of white blood cells to defeat cancer. Science has unarguably progressed exponentially in the last decade.

But has the state of healthcare and more importantly, humanity, caught up?

People in developed countries are living longer while health outcomes and life expectancy in developing countries lag due to a lack of access and dearth of skilled professionals, as well as inadequate facilities. Great disparities remain in both health and longevity for people of privilege and everyone else.

In many ways the pandemic has been a great equalizer by reflecting the cracks in our collective public health systems. More than ever, we know to not take our healthcare systems for granted. Now we must expand Healthcare 5.0 to include a sustainable convergence of new tech and scientific collaboration, one that is rooted in accessibility and affordability for all.

I believe that we are at the dawn of a golden era in telemedicine and remote diagnosis, and that medical devices will soon be used as precise disease detection systems, therapeutic tools, and physician assistants. And with innovations in mapping, connectivity, and robot-assisted treatment planning in precision medicine, artificial intelligence is continually changing the healthcare industry and patient experience at large.

This exponential wave of innovation gives me hope that the future will be better than the past. But there's a lot more to ensuring the future of health than just that.

We as a society remain in a health crisis, and it is only through convergence that we can optimize for cost-effectiveness and develop the tools necessary to enhance quality of life globally and ultimately, save lives. It’s important to ensure that our increased longevity means additional years and decades of good health rather than years spent suffering with chronic illness. To do that, we must detect disease early to anticipate risks and intercept them to minimize irreparable harm.

Omniscope applies the convergence of technology to each of our domains: in science, the convergence of advances in genomics and artificial intelligence, and in diagnostics, the synthesis of patient-derived models and non-invasive techniques.

Our humanistic and patient-centric philosophy is designed for accessibility, affordability, and sensibility to ensure that our products are affordable and easy to use, with intelligible and actionable results.

We also have access to the most advanced manufacturing facilities and non-invasive diagnostic techniques in disease areas such as cancer through our partnerships with renowned scientists and hospitals globally.

We apply the highest standards to sustainable investing and financing and have integrated accessibility and equity into our company policy.

We represent the much-needed inflection point of convergence for genomics, immunology, diagnostics, artificial intelligence, and public health policy. And it is the convergence of these fields that allows us to unlock a new vision of making cutting-edge healthcare affordable and accessible for everyone, everywhere.

Our vision is shared and shaped by a multidisciplinary team, each of whom are visionary leaders in their field.

This is Omniscope.